After Birth we are physically and energetically highly-sensitive and should be deeply nurtured and treated with the utmost care and reverence, almost as if we too are reborn. Across the Earth in ancient traditions, the Mother was deeply supported Post-Birth to prioritise her being able to give life to their newborn by allowing space for deep rest and healing to take place. Herbs and flowers have been used for centuries to support this process and work on both a physical and energetic level to restore the mother's life force energy.
Post-partum for me was a slow and very sensitive time. Staying on the couch and bed for the first 7 days, and only very minimal physical activity for the first 40 days; eating only warm, simple meals like dahl, congee, porridge, rice, herbal infusions and sweet cooked fruit compotes. The empty space in my womb felt cold and really emphasised the need to be warm and keep my belly wrapped up with a woolen fabric - even though it was summer in Byron Bay.
I was supported by herbs like Ashwghanda, added superfood powders to my meals like Reishi and Maca Root powder and sipped Nettle & Raspberry Leaf infusions and drank a constant flow of Tea of Fennel, Fenugreek & Rose Petals to support lactation.
I drank lots of fluids and took it very slow, for bub and I it was most important to minimise visitors and outings in the first 40 days to allow deeper slowness and rest, and really create space for our bond to develop and for a deep sense of grounding to take place - for both of us.
A few other golden rituals that I used, were all attributes to my healing process which I would love to share.
Self-care rituals to support your healing process:
1. Yoni Herbal Sitz Bath
Yarrow, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey Root & Leaf
The power combination of Yarrow, Calendula, Chamomile, Comfrey Root & Leaf help to support your healing process rapidly repair skin-tissue, provide gentle anti-bacterial and micro-biome balancing properties, heal tears and grazes and prevent scarring. I used this Herbal wash 2-3 times daily for the first 4 weeks post-partum and it offered miraculous healing benefits for me. After 10 days I had completely stopped bleeding and had minimal discomfort after going to the toilet.
Ritual: Place all herbs in a cotton or hemp bag and wrap up tightly and infuse in boiling water for 20 minutes. Remove the herbal mix and allow to cool to room temperature and add to your Sitz Bath or Peri Bottle for a warming and nourishing Yoni wash. Keep the herbal wash in Fridge for up to 3 days. Note* It is important not to apply cold liquids to your Yoni at this time, as you have already lost so much heat during birth, use the herbal wash at room temp up to bath temperature.
2. Placenta Herbal Blend
Rosemary, Tulsi & Rose Petals
If you are doing a Lotus Birth or wish to keep your placenta for a duration it can be very special to preserve it with beautiful flowers and herbs. We initially intended to have a Lotus Birth, but 16 hours post-birth it felt right to cut the cord as it was more difficult to juggle with a newborn baby than we intended. We decided to keep our placenta for 7 days before we returned it back to the earth and to do this we air-dryed it and herbed the placenta 2 x daily.
Ritual: Rosemary Powder has incredible drying properties and is anti-bacterial. Wash and pat dry your placenta and the completely cover with Rosemary Powder inside and out. Top the placenta with flowers of your choice, we use Rose Petals and Tulsi Basil for their beautiful aroma and strong link with the divine feminine, but you could also use Lavender, Yarrow and Chamomile. Store in a well-ventilated / dry location allowing air-flow from all directions. We used a bamboo dumpling cooker, which worked perfectly and each day I recoated the placenta with Rosemary Powder and added new dried flowers.
3. Body Oiling
Black Sesame Oil & Coconut Oil
Black Sesame Oil (warming) or Coconut Oil (cooling) can be generously applied daily during post-partum to the body to hydrate, ground & centre the nervous system. Body oiling is one of the best practices to tend to our nervous system & immune system and to come into the body with grounded awareness and has been used in many ancient cultures around the world.
Ritual: Gently warm the oil to room temperature and massage all parts of your body, especially your joints and ligaments. Your womb will also really benefit from this massage to support your organs to re-centre and boost the healing process. This is a nice ritual to start after the first 1-2 weeks post-birth, in the first few weeks I didn't wash my hair and used no soaps or fragrances to allow deeper connection between bub and her becoming familiar with my body.
This is such a sacred and important time which sets you up for your health, vitality and longevity for years to come. The best advice I received for post-partum was:
~ honour the slowness & rest
~ deep rest for 1 month
~ deep support for 100 days, allow others to support you and be in service to your family
~ prioritise sleep for 1 year as much as you can, including day-naps
~ trust your bodies innate cravings, pace and rhythm
~ you should never feel like a host during this time
Lean into saying YES to support, community around you should be there to support you, so that you can best support your bub.
Key Botanical Actives:
Calendula (Calendula Officinalis)
Calendula is an uplifting and joyous presence, and helps to awaken a sense of freedom within us. It stimulates collagen production and helps cell regeneration by healing wounds and soothing sunburn. It is warming and moisturising and helps rejuvenate dry skin leaving it soft, smooth and supple. The flower is also known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral & anti-bacterial, whilst still providing an ever-gentle and soothing effect on the skin.
Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla)
The flowers of chamomile are a deep exhale for the nervous system. The yin energy of chamomile soothes restlessness and inflammation and is most suited to women and children with its soft and sweet presence. Calms digestion, soothes anxiety, boosts immunity and helps to regulate hormones. It’s powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties can help sooth dry, irritated, red of chapped skin.
Rose Petals (Rosa Centrifolia)
Rose is the mystical queen of all flower, and has been revered for its human love, divine love, beauty, healing qualities and intricate relationship with the feminine. Its ancient roots date back 35 million years ago where remnants of rose wreaths have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs. It's nutrient-rich, astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory qualities support the digestive system and emotional system to uplift spirits. Her main purpose is to awaken a sense of awe and presence and is a conduit for heaven and earth.
Wild Tasmanian Lavender (Lavandula Augustifolia)
Lavender is the queen of ritual across many ancient traditions and brings the sacred trio of love, peace and protection. It is cooling, relaxing and soothing but also has a very uplifting spirit. It helps to ease anxiety, insomnia and insomnia. It is perfectly gentle for newborns and toddlers with its calming aroma.
Comfrey (Symphytum)
Comfrey is well known for its incredible healing potentials, it's Latin name Symphytum comes from the Greek symphis (growing together) and phyton (plant). Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, a substance that helps new skin cells grow, along with other substances that reduce inflammation. Comfrey is also demulcent, producing a mucilage that coats and soothes irritated tissues. As an astringent, comfrey can also help control slow bleeding, which makes it a beautiful remedy to use post-birth in a herbal infusion sitz-bath or to soak your pads etc.
Raspberry Leaf (Rubus Idaeus)
This uterus centric help holds a deep connection with the female reproductive system and is especially helpful for conception preparation, used during pregnancy and postpartum. It provides stimulation to the womb and helps to ripen the cervix in preparation for birth. Often use in preparation for conception it promotes fertility and helps to regulate and balance hormones. It relieves pre-menstrual pain and heavy periods and has been known to help reduce risk of miscarriage and birth complications. When used postpartum, it can enhance the richness of breastmilk and supports a healthy flow. A member of the rose family, it has a sweet warming taste, but also reminiscent of black tea.
Nettle (Utica Dioica)
This power herb is both a food and a medicine; it is nurtional, clearing , regenerative, reconnecting and drying and is known for its powerful red blood cell building qualities. It works on a deep cellar level, providing replenishment of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C, D, E and K and high mineral levels of Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium. Nettle helps to heal connective tissue, support anaemia and nutrient depletion and also works as a remover of stagnation. Nettle is your ally, during pregnancy and post-partum with its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and circulatory benefits.
Ashwaghanda (Withania Somnifera)
A potent adaptogenic herb that works with the body synergistically from all things to immunity, cardiovascular system, sleep support, enhances energy, adrenal gland nourishment and works to restore core energy for our ultimate longevity. This is the perfect herb to support new mothers to reinforce that precious vital energy needed to give life to a baby.
Maca Root (Lepidium Meyenii)
A powerful adaptogenic herb that brings balancing effects to the endocrine system and overall wellbeing and mood. It offers a natural mood enhancement and helps to strengthen vitality. It is a key libido enhancer and support hormone health and can naturally support fertility & longevity. It has a high dose of iron, iodine, potassium, calcium and has the ability to adapts to what your body requires.
Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum)
The safest herb to take during pregnancy is reishi. it has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years and revered as the bridge between earth and heaven, and the elixir of life. It is commonly used to bring the mind and body back into balance and supports the immune system, calming stress and anxiety. Best results are seen when you use reishi in hot water to extract the triterpenes, and best experiences with long term daily use.